March 1st, 2016
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
This year the students at William G. Davis P.S. will be fundraising to help subsidize the cost of their year-end electives. We will be working with Preferred Fundraising, promoting the sale of Aunt Sarah’s Simply Delicious chocolate bars.
The fundraising campaign will begin on Monday, February 29, 2016 and finish on Thursday, March 24, 2016.
With your permission, your child will receive one (or two) cases of Simply Delicious chocolate bars. There are 30 bars in each box. Bars are to be sold at $2.00 each. Your child will receive $0.90/bar sold toward their elective. Any money that your student collects beyond the cost of his/her elective will be put into the Davis fundraising account.
Cases can be picked up in the library at both nutrition breaks on Monday, February, 29th.
Additional cases will be available once the first case is sold and all the money has been submitted. Please submit CASH ONLY. You will receive a “tally slip” at the end of the campaign detailing the amount of money raised by your child, and the balance owing (if any) on the elective.
We ask that you assist your child in fundraising, if possible, during the campaign. We do not suggest going door-to-door but that they approach close neighbours, friends and relatives.
Please note that upon signing the permission form, you and your child are taking responsibility for the chocolate bars and money that will be collected until they are returned, in full, to Mr. Desruisseau in room 100.
If you have any questions about the campaign, please call Mr. Desruisseau at 519-653-2384.
The WGD Fundraising Committee
I give permission for ___________________________ in advisor __________ to participate in the
(Student Name) (Advisor)
World’s Finest fundraising campaign at William G. Davis from March 9th – March 25th.
__________________________________________ _____________________
(Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date)