February 20th, 2015
The First Term Provincial Report Cards Come Home Monday!
Razorbacks, remember to reflect on “Your Best Work” & “Goals For Improvement” on the 3rd page and return them to your advisor teacher with a parent or guardian signature.
Parents and Guardians, please take the time to review these reflections with your students as they prepare for success in second term. For those wishing an interview we ask that you phone the school and leave a message with our Elementary Head Secretary. The teachers will schedule your choice of a face-to-face meeting or phone interview.
Grade 8 students, please review the grade 8 High School Course Selection Package with your parents. All grade 8 students will be making their course selections with Mrs. Serviss on either February 26th or 27th using the My Way Student Portal.
An important note about Grade 8 Graduation details has also been included with the report card package.