May 19th, 2021
New Deadline: September 2021 – Making Your Decision
May 18th, 2021
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Choose One for the Entire 2021/22 School Year
Due Date: June 2, 2021 at 4:00 PM
Learning At School (In-Person) for the Full Year
You are done! Your child is automatically registered for school 2021-2022
Learning At Home (Remote) for the Full Year
Call or email the school
I Don’t Know
I need more information.
Call the school
The deadline for requesting Remote Learning (learning from home) for the 2021-2022 school year has been extended to June 2, 2021 at 4:00 PM.
Quick Facts
- Families who wish to select remote learning for 2021-2022 can call or email your child’s school.
- Families who selected remote learning but have now changed your mind and want your child to attend in-person in September, please contact your child’s school.
- Families who have questions about remote learning are encouraged to reach out to your child’s school and speak with their teacher, guidance counsellor or Principal.
- Students will be considered in-person learners and will be expected to attend school in-person for September unless families choose remote learning.
- All Remote Learning classes will be dedicated remote learning classes.
We appreciate that making this decision may be difficult for families given the current health situation in Ontario.
We are asking families who request remote learning to commit to it for the entire 2021-22 school year. We do expect that there will be families who experience exceptional circumstances that may lead to a request to change their child(ren)’s mode of learning and we would ask that families reach out to their Principal. Each case will be reviewed individually.
Elementary Remote Learning (Kindergarten to Grade 8)
The Elementary Remote Learning Program (ERLP) will be organized into distinct Elementary Remote Learning Schools. Remote learning teachers will be dedicated members of the remote learning schools and students will be part of dedicated remote learning classes. The school day will start at 9:00 AM and end at 3:20 PM with two 40 minute scheduled nutrition breaks and recesses supervised by parents/caregivers. There will be a mix of live teaching time and independent work time each day. Students will cover all the same subjects and curriculum as they would in a physical school.
The remote learning classroom will use Google Classroom or Brightspace as the learning platforms. Families will be provided with a device if a student needs one.
Students will receive the same report cards as in-person school.
English as Second Language support and students with special education needs will continue to be supported with the necessary accommodations or modifications provided in their Individual Education Plan (IEP). French Immersion language programming may be offered, based on enrolment and the availability of staff.
Secondary Remote Learning (Grade 9 to Grade 12)
WRDSB’s Secondary Remote Learning Program (SRLP) will be connected to a secondary school that runs it as an alternative learning track program. Teachers will be assigned as dedicated teachers of remote learning courses and students will be part of dedicated remote learning classes. Families selecting remote learning will be notified of their child’s remote placement.
The SRLP will follow the same school calendar and daily schedule as our regular in-person school programming. The specific daily schedule is not yet finalized and will be shared with students and families as soon as possible.
The Secondary Remote Learning Program will provide
- Limited course options at each grade level for each pathway
- Secondary ESL/ELD program with fewer course options
- Programs NOT available: Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM), French Immersion, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Integrated Arts Program (IAP)
There will be a mix of live teaching time and independent work time for each course. Students will cover all the curriculum for a course as they would in a physical school. Students will receive the same report cards as in-person school. The remote learning classroom will use Google Classroom or Brightspace as the learning platforms.
Secondary students have already completed course selections for next year and for those students and families opting to attend the remote learning, please note that every effort will be made to offer courses that students require for their chosen pathway to graduation.
Where students require specific courses not available through the Secondary Remote Learning Program, they will then have the option to select from a catalogue of E-learning courses.
We will provide families with any updates from the Ministry of Education that may impact what in-person or remote learning will look like in September.